Simple Guide to the Most Common Optometry Equipment Used to Treat Ophthalmic (Eye) Disorders


Ophthalmology is a branch of science that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of ophthalmic (eye) disorders. Optometry equipment are used to monitor, diagnose, and prevent ophthalmic disorders such as glaucoma and cataract. They include a set of equipment used for retina and glaucoma examination, cornea and cataract examination, as well as for general examination. These equipment include wavefront aberrometers, specular microscopes, ophthalmoscopes, autorefractors and keratometers, fundus cameras, visual field analyzers, retinoscopes, and among others. Moreover, these optometry equipment also include equipment used to improve vision such as contact lenses and spectacles. The demand for optometry equipment is growing constantly due to the rapid development of new ophthalmic instruments, increasing popularity of vision disorders, and rising government initiatives to control visual impairment.

Cataract surgery is one of the most common surgical procedures performed in Germany, where around 700,000 people undergo cataract surgery every year. Cataract surgery is a procedure to replace the lens of the eye with an artificial one. Whereas, glaucoma is one of the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. In Mexico, around 854,000 people have glaucoma in their eyes. Moreover, the phoropter is one of the basic equipment used by optometrists to measure the refractive error and determine the patient’s eyeglass numbers. Optometry equipment are designed to prevent potential eye damage, disease, or injuries.

The ophthalmic surgical devices can be divided into ophthalmic accessories, ophthalmic microscopes, glaucoma surgical devices, refractive surgical devices, vitreoretinal surgical devices, and cataract surgical devices. The cataract surgical devices can be bifurcated into IOL injectors, cataract surgical devices, phacoemulsification devices, ophthalmic viscoelastic devices, and intraocular lenses. The glaucoma surgical devices can be classified into micro-invasive glaucoma surgical devices and glaucoma drainage devices. In terms of end-user, the optometry equipment can be classified into ambulatory surgical centers, specialty clinics, hospitals, and consumers. With help of the above-mentioned equipment, optometrists can diagnose conditions, prescribe medications, and treat most eye diseases.
